Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Little Boys Club

I'm going to do a little advertisement this time.

Who knows the mighty Little Boys Club? You don't? Let me tell you how awesome it is. It is a very special club founded at a very humble place, the boy's toilet. It may sound disgusting but once you spend most of your time there, it's like a second home. During my last secondary school year, I found myself going to the toilet a lot, not to pee or make chocolate cake (I would be sickla den go so many times) but to CHILL out. That's how I formed LBC. With growing members, the club became really famous among my friends. Heck, we even had LBC sessions before classes, in between and after classes. LBC is therefore the perfect place to make new friends as you see new faces everyday. When you take a piss, just look to the person beside him, give him a nudge and greet him. I bet you'll be good friends soon. So remove the mentality that toilets is only meant for one to take a piss or make chocolate cake. It is like a second home (Homeless people hint!!). From when you're born until the day you die, you would be visiting the LBC for at least 40 percent or more of your lifespan. So don't be shy when you say you love chilling in the toilet. Make it your pride and join the very special club today. I welcome new ideas on how to make the toilet the ideal chill out place.

I bet even girls have their own LBC. If not why some of them spend so much time in toilets too.

1 comment:

Yun said...

if girls have their own lbc, itll be called lGc!

and we spend time in the toilets because there are mirrors. :D