Thursday, August 9, 2007

Proud To Be A Convict

Am I the only one who noticed something about Akon? I mean sure he's got some nice song but why is he so proud to be an ex-convict??

Seriously I wouldn't be too proud to be one. I was listening to his songs and I noticed that most of it always start with 'Convict...Convict....'. Man shouldn't those bad memories be forgotten? He even named his label Konvict or something like that for goodness sake!

Hmmm maybe if I commit a crime, land myself in jail and get out I can be a famous rapper. I can go like 'Convict...Convict..Love it...Yeah baby....You there.....I'm a convict...Yeah......I'm rapping now yo......As an ex-convict......Love me.....Coz I'm a Convict...Pissing Out.......Yeh Pissing Out yo........Orgasmic......Yeahhhhhhhhh.....'

I'm not jealous of Akon or anything k. So Akon fans don't get me wrong. I still love him. Just wondering why he likes being a convict.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a SOOOOO right. i never knew he started his songs with convict. but he has a chain and all that flashy stuff with konvict. WTF!!!!!!